PPR & PERT Pipe and Installation Tips

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PPR & PERT Pipe and Installation Tips

PPR pipe has become an inseparable part of industrial and commercial sites. Polypropylene random copolymer plastic is achieved after numerous extrusion processes. This material is utilized to manufacture the different size and diameter fitting products and components. PPR pipe material is fire-protected, chemical protected, and lightweight with no corrosion effect.

How do PPR pipes differ from PERT tubes?

PPR pipes and fitting products are specifying the new means of water transportation pipeline project requirements. PPR is popular for 3 main reasons that are no-pollution substances, non-harmful, and cleanliness.

  • The raw material that is used to compound the PPR is not harmful to anyone. The material does not degrade the taste of water or liquid. 
  • The inner and exterior surfaces can easily clean by water showers. During any phase of development or manufacturing or testing, it does not produce any toxic substances.  
  • PPR pipes are installed at various construction sites to develop a comfortable pipeline network, not for the inconvenience of the human world.
  • PPR pipe has eliminated the health risks, deterioration problems, and fire events. 
  • PPR pipe has brought a new change in the interior and exterior of pipeline projects at modest prices and that’s why it is ruling the market of pipe manufacturers
  • PPR pipe has made a universal place for the development of water transportation and liquid transportation needs. The composition and construction of PPR pipe and fitting are not that difficult. 


PERT tubes are achieved through the upgradation of polyethylene materials. PERT tubes are also designed for high-temperature and hot plumbing supply needs. It also consists of low temperature, ideal rigidness, and energy efficiency. The price of PERT tubing is a little more expensive than PPR pipe therefore, it does not preferable at most industrial or residential water pipeline projects. But you should not forget that it is also an environmentally supportive pipe material designed for hot application areas.

Specification of PERT tubes

  • The PERT tube doesn’t need any reinstallation for around 50+ years.
  • PERT can resist the pressure for a long time. It also offers ideal thermal stability properties. The tube is generally available in transparent color variants.
  • The ideal operating temperature is 70C., 0.4 Mpa pressure rate.
  • To ensure easy and flexible installation you can produce heat and shape it according to your needs. PERT offers a rapid, safe, durable and reliable connection through a hot-melting process.
  • It is an energy-efficient medium to install a floor radiant heating engineering project.

Tips to remember during PPR pipe installation

While you are developing any kind of PPR pipe project a few things can be helpful for you,

  • The PPR pipes we use to develop chilled water transportation are more delicate and rigid than metal pipes. While you are using fusion technology for the installation of fitting and pipe please do not apply unnecessary force otherwise the material can deteriorate or collapse and you’ll get hurt. 
  • Please do the shifting task attentively, the assembling of the fitting products and pipeline should be done in predefined places, don’t shift the location too many times otherwise the arrangement and position of products and components will be mismanaged. It will waste your efforts, time, and money. 
  • During the winter season you need to be careful because the pipes get tougher from interior and exterior surfaces, the water or liquid can also freeze and affect the supply. You may feel a bit inconvenience in the fusion method. You should have a razor toolkit to ensure a long-lasting connection.
  • As long as time passes, the connection gets older and the performance can degrade at some point therefore the pipe should properly wrap like we wrapped the clay pot in our homes for the cold water. It will increase the life of the outdoor pipeline and will give additional coverage from freezing events.
  • When the professional is installing any fitting on the PPR pipe he should be fully focused on the projects any kind of ignorance may lead to leakage events. 

Hot-melting installations need expert hands for the mechanical arrangements. Any new beginner can assist the projects but it will take a little time to handle major projects alone. KPT pipe manufacturer professionals have great experience to manage major projects through these german-based technologies and fusion technologies. Do check our products and let us install a no-toxic, safe reliable pipeline project for you!!

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